Mulqueeny Eye Centers

Keep Your Eye Health In Sight!

Feb 2, 2011 @ 11:31 AM — by Sean Mulqueeny, O.D.
Tagged with: Eye Care Dry Eye Optomap

February is Save Your Vision Month!

Are you at risk of losing your vision?   If you ask most people, they’ll probably tell you that vision is considered to be the most important of their senses because they rely on it more than any other, yet it is often the most neglected and taken for granted. Undected eye disease, accidents and injuries cause millions of Americans lose their good vision each year.  In honor of February’s “Save Your Vision Month”, Mulqueeny Eye Centers has some advice to help protect your vision.

Tip # 1 - Have Regular Eye Health Examinations

It has been said that eyes are the window to the soul, but your eyes are also the best windows to your health. Most people think of eye examinations as simply checking vision and making changes to eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions. Though that is certainly one component of an eye health examination, did you know that by looking into your eyes we can also tell a lot about your general health? Some systemic and chronic diseases, like diabetes, can often be detected during your eye examination.   Dilated examinations also help us with early detection to reduce and prevent vision loss from eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. 

Be alert for signs of visual disturbances or stress like frequent headaches, tired, burning or itchy eyes, redness, decrease in vision at distance such as seeing road signs or while performing near vision tasks like reading or working at your computer. Even if you think you have perfect vision, remember that many eye diseases often progress without warning signs and vision loss can be very gradual.  Early detection and treatment is the key to maintaining your healthy vision!


Vision For A Lifetime Checkup Schedule:


Keep in mind that if you wear contact lenses or if you are at high risk for eye disease because of other health issues like diabetes or hypertension or if you have a family history or indications of potential ocular disease such as glaucoma or macular degeneration, we may ask that you return for more frequent monitoring.  

Hate the thought of a dilated exam?  Patients often procrastinate scheduling their regular visit to the eye doctor because they dread the thought of being dilated.  Let's face it...the thought of eye drops and funky glasses as you drive home can be a real deterrent!  Truth is, dilating your eyes is a very important part of your exam as it allows us to look at the retina--the back of the eye--to get a better view of the blood vessels, the optic nerve and the overall health of your retina.  In fact, the back of the eye is the only place doctors can view the vasulature (blood vessels) in the body, making it a key place to look for early signs of systemic (diseases that affect the entire body) as well as potential eye problems.

For many people, we now have an alternative to dilation with the Optomap ® Retinal Exam.  It's quick and easy for the patient, taking only minutes to perform and it allows us to view the back of the eye and preserve a digital photograph that can be used for comparison from year to year...all without dilation!  For more information, follow the link above and check it out on our website!

No more excuses for skipping your annual eye exam! Call us today to get yours scheduled!