Mulqueeny Eye Centers

Do You Wear Safety Glasses? You Should!

Feb 22, 2011 @ 02:51 PM — by Sean Mulqueeny, O.D.
Tagged with: Eye Care Eye Wear Optical

Save Your Vision Tip # 3 – Wear Protective Eye Wear!

Protecting yourself from eye injury and damage from over-exposure to the sun are two of the most basic things you can do to protect your vision throughout your lifetime.

Did you know that an estimated 2.5 million eye injuries occur in the United States each year?  Most people might think that the majority of these injuries occur in the work place.  Not true.  According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, nearly half occur in the home and another 40 percent are related to sports or other recreational activities.

Our advice?  Next time you are playing sports, mowing your lawn or tackling one of the jobs on your honey-do list, make sure you are wearing protective eyewear!  Likewise, remember to take precautions when working with chemicals like bleach or changing the battery in your car.   Standard ANSI-approved eyewear or goggles should suffice for most projects and activities around the house.  When participating in sports, your sports goggles should meet the specific requirement of that particular sport.  You can find recommended guidelines for sports eyewear protection on the American Society for Testing Materials website at